Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said that the recent move taken by the United States in defunding the only coordinator of the global health is the same as irresponsibility and crime against humanity.
In the midst of the fight against coronavirus global pandemic, the United States suddenly punishes the only global health coordinator i.e. World Health Organization and this move is tantamount to US’s irresponsibility and a crime against humanity.
“While expressing its deep concern on the decision taken by the US President Trump in defunding World Health Organization and suspending financial contribution of the United States to this international organization at this critical condition, caused by the coronavirus global pandemic, the Islamic Republic of Iran considers this decision as another step in line with weakening multilateralism and international institutions by the US government and strongly condemns the move.”
Turning to this issue that health, wellbeing, and safety of people throughout the world have been jeopardized directly as a result of coronavirus global pandemic, he added that “the US government punishes the only coordinator of the world health in the worst possible time in the middle of a war against a global catastrophe and at the condition that all countries are grappling with the pandemic.”
Trump administration’s main aim is playing the blame game and covering up its own inefficiency in containing the novel coronavirus in the US, he said “calling on the international community to stand by the WHO to neutralize US unilateral moves and maintain a united global front.”